One of the most important elements of a healthy relationship or marriage, from the perspective of women especially, is physical intimacy. However, not every couple experiences this in the same way, and some may feel that physical intimacy has significantly decreased over time. If you’re having difficulty increasing physical intimacy in your relationship or marriage, take a look at these three tips to increase physical intimacy in your relationship or marriage.
1) Talk about it
Communication is often times key when it comes to physical intimacy. Talk with your partner about what you like and how you would like to be touched. These conversations can not only be fun, but they can also add a new dimension of depth into your relationship or marriage.
If you are feeling shy, try writing down some notes before bringing up these topics with your partner. It might feel easier to put pen to paper before discussing them face-to-face. Just make sure that whatever method you choose works for both of you! In addition to talking about what you’d like physically, communication is also important regarding safer sex practices.
When practicing safer sex techniques, discuss things such as condom use (or non-use) and protection against sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). Make sure that both parties have been tested recently if either one has had multiple partners since their last checkup. Communicating openly will help ensure safe sex practices while building trust between each other. Talking about sexual health can sometimes lead to awkwardness, so take it slow.
Don’t rush through discussions on safer sex practices; rather, build a foundation of open communication so that all involved know how to best protect themselves from STDs and pregnancy without compromising on pleasure. Another way to increase physical intimacy is by adding toys into your bedroom repertoire.
2) Discuss past experiences
If you’re single, past experiences are still a resource that can be used. Think back over your most meaningful relationships, and write about what you learned from them—be it lessons about what not to do, or how best to show appreciation for your partner. Sharing these insights may help those who aren’t sure how to improve their relationships with their partners.
For example, if you’ve had long-term relationships that ended poorly, sharing some of your mistakes could help someone avoid making similar ones. Similarly, if there were positive elements of past romances that really made an impact on you, then it might be worth mentioning how to replicate those positive aspects within current relationships. For example: Sometimes we forget how important physical intimacy is in our relationship.
We get so caught up in how much time we spend together, that we forget how good it feels to hold hands while walking through a park. We get so caught up in planning future trips together, that we forget how nice it feels to go out dancing every once in awhile. It doesn’t have to be anything fancy; just something simple like going out for dinner or taking a walk after work can make us feel closer than ever before.
The key is remembering how important little gestures are! So think about what you know about physical intimacy in a relationship. What does it mean to you? How does it affect your connection with your partner? How has being physically intimate affected other relationships in your life? And finally, how can you remind yourself of all that being physically intimate means?
3) Accept your partner as they are
Don’t try to change your partner—not their personality, not their style, not their politics. If you want your relationship to last, you have to accept that they are who they are and respect that. Sure, there are things you can improve on (the same goes for them), but if a person is going to really connect with someone else, they need to feel accepted just as they are.
This doesn’t mean you shouldn’t communicate your needs and wants, it just means that you should never use criticism as a way to get what you want. Instead of saying You always come home late! It drives me crazy! Why don’t you ever think about how I feel? You make me so mad! I wish we could spend more time together! say something like I miss spending time with you when we go out at night.
How can we compromise so that we both get what we want? A statement like that shows your partner how much you care about them and how much effort you’re willing to put into making sure everyone feels happy and taken care of. Once you’ve said that, then wait for your partner to respond. And be open to whatever answer they give you; even if it isn’t exactly what you were hoping for, maybe it will give you some insight into why they do what they do and how best to deal with it moving forward. At least you know where each other stands and can work from there.