How many times have you heard that long distance relationships never work? While this may be true, if you really want your relationship to work and don’t want to give up on it, you can do things to make your long distance relationship work. Here are eight ways you can build and maintain a healthy long distance relationship.
1) Love conquers all
Romantic gestures, like long-distance dates or weekend getaways are a great way to surprise your partner and remind them of your love. Especially if you’re far away from each other, it can be easy to fall into lazy routines; put a little extra effort into scheduling in fun activities on special days—it will make all of your time together that much more meaningful. The time spent apart is just an opportunity for you to cultivate your relationship and keep things exciting when you reunite. Even better? A new study has found that couples who spend at least two hours a day talking with their partners reported higher levels of happiness than those who didn’t. So go ahead and schedule some date nights! It’s good for your relationship—and it might even lead to marriage!
The couple that plays together stays together: Sometimes playing video games can seem like a waste of time, but in fact spending quality time with your significant other by engaging in leisurely activities helps foster deeper connections between you. It doesn’t have to be about competitive gaming either; playing card games or board games can also strengthen bonds and encourage quality communication.
2) FaceTime, video chat and phone calls will solve everything
If you’re not willing to put in a significant amount of time and effort into your long distance relationship, don’t bother getting into one. FaceTime and video chat are great, but they aren’t a replacement for actual face-to-face interaction. It won’t be like dating someone who lives nearby; you can only go on so many dates via Skype before it starts to feel pretty impersonal. Don’t expect everything to just fall into place because you have technology at your disposal. Remember that even if there is a solution that allows you to stay connected with your partner without having them move across country or continents, it will take more than just sitting back and letting things happen—you have to work at it! You both need to do what it takes in order for things to work out. There’s no magic formula here.
There are ways to make it easier (like using tech tools), but ultimately you need to dedicate yourself to making your relationship successful. Think about how much time and energy you would normally devote to maintaining a romantic relationship—now multiply that by 100 percent (or more) and that should give you an idea of how much effort is required when dealing with long distance relationships.
3) Don’t Compare Yourself To Other Couples
It’s easy to compare your relationship to that of others, but it’s important not to do so. Unless you can see into other people’s relationships, don’t presume to know what you could be doing differently. Instead, focus on making your own relationship work. In order for that to happen, it is a good idea for both partners in a long distance relationship to take time out of their busy schedules and spend some quality time together.
This will help keep both parties happy and give them something to look forward to when they are apart. Having a strong foundation is essential for any couple in any type of relationship, but even more so if they are separated by miles instead of feet. Be sure to talk about how you feel with each other, as well as set aside time to just enjoy one another’s company. Being able to express yourself freely without fear of judgment or criticism is an important part of maintaining a healthy relationship, no matter how far away from one another you may be.
4) Be Honest With Each Other
Communication is key in any relationship, but it’s especially crucial in a long-distance one. You and your partner need to be honest about how you feel. If there are issues or frustrations, don’t let them fester; bring them up immediately so that you can work together to fix them. Remember, too, that honesty doesn’t just mean discussing negative feelings—it also means expressing positive ones. Don’t assume your partner knows you love him or her just because he or she hasn’t heard it recently! A little I love you goes a long way.
And while we’re on the subject of saying I love you, remember that your significant other might not hear those words as often as they should. Make sure to say I love you often during video chats or phone calls, even if it feels like overkill—and make sure not to take his or her presence for granted when he or she is home for visits.
5) Know When Enough Is Enough
Communication is key in any relationship, but that communication needs to be healthy. In a long-distance relationship, it’s easy to let things slip through cracks. Being aware of how much time has passed since you last talked can help keep things running smoothly between you and your partner. And remember: being in a long-distance relationship doesn’t have to mean sacrificing intimacy.
There are plenty of ways to stay connected when miles separate you from your partner. If you feel like your LDR isn’t working out, there’s no shame in calling it quits. Just make sure you know when enough is enough—and make sure your partner does too. If they aren’t willing to compromise with you or work towards creating a healthier relationship together, then what’s the point? Don’t waste either of your time by staying in an unhappy LDR. You deserve better than that!
6) There Are Some Things You Just Can’t Fix Over Text Or A Video Call
While it’s great to have communication channels that can help you stay connected while your significant other is away, there are some things you just can’t fix over text or a video call. These are times when you really need to be together in person so that you can keep your relationship strong and healthy. Whether you live an hour apart or 10 hours apart, these are moments where you should make time for each other.
The Time You Spend Apart Is A Great Opportunity To Focus On Yourself: It’s easy to get caught up in spending every waking moment with your partner when they aren’t around—but if you do that, then both of you will end up feeling neglected. Instead, try using some of those hours apart to focus on yourself and your own interests. This can help keep you happy and healthy while helping you avoid resenting your significant other for taking time away from you.
It’s Okay If You Don’t Feel In Love All The Time: One of the biggest misconceptions about long distance relationships is that partners feel a constant sense of love and romance toward each other at all times.
7) Communication Is Key
If you and your partner live in different cities, one of your biggest challenges will be communicating with each other. Set up a clear schedule for talking on the phone and emailing each other. The key to success is staying in touch consistently! If you’re not sure how often to contact each other, aim for at least once a day by phone or email. It may seem difficult at first, but it gets easier. Soon enough, you’ll find that you don’t want to go even a few hours without hearing from your significant other.
This doesn’t mean that you have to talk all day every day—even if you talk multiple times per week, though, it can help to keep things fresh and interesting. There are also great apps like FaceTime and Skype that make video chatting easy. Just remember: communication isn’t just about long distance relationships; keeping in touch is essential whether or not you live close together!
8) Keep in touch with other friends too
Don’t forget that you aren’t limited to keeping in touch with your long distance partner. Having other people who care about you and your relationship can make all of you feel more secure and less isolated in your situation. Share concerns with them, ask their advice, and build a support system of people who want to see you succeed. Make sure that your friends know how important they are too, especially when you’re trying to keep a long distance relationship alive for many miles apart.
It can be easy to lose yourself in a new relationship, but don’t lose sight of what brought you together in the first place! When it comes to maintaining your relationships, both old and new, communication is key. Be honest with each other; if something is bothering you or making you unhappy, tell your partner so he or she can help fix it. If you have any questions or need anything from him or her, let him or her know so he or she doesn’t feel left out of the loop.